About This Department

Department: Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Insitution: University of Arizona
  Tucson, AZ

The CEEM department is recognized for its both teaching and research, offering BS,
(ABET accredited) MS, ME, and PhD degrees in several civil engineering disciplines,
including structural engineering, hydraulics engineering, geotechnical engineering,
transportation engineering and engineering mechanics. Currently the department has
12 full time tenured/tenure-track faculty, two non-tenure eligible faculty, (while
advertising for a third), several adjuncts professors, four non-tenure eligible research
faculty, four staff members, approximately 137 undergraduate, and 45 graduate
students. The department has had nearly $10M in research expenditure over the
past five years. The graduate program in CEEM is ranked among the top 40 Civil
Engineering programs nationwide, and the University of Arizona is ranked among the
top 25 of public research universities nationwide. CEEM faculty members conduct
cutting-edge research in the areas of intelligent transportation systems, active traffic
management, sustainable design, sensor networks and monitoring, earthquake
engineering, municipal water planning, arid lands, and others. Several faculty
member’s research involves technology transfer.