The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Clarkson University invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates whose research interests include (but are not limited to) computational geomechanics, earthquake engineering, resilience of engineered systems, multi-hazard mitigation, soil-structure interaction, and geostructures are encouraged to apply. Candidates who can teach courses in both geotechnical engineering and structural design are especially encouraged to apply.
Applicants should present a clear and substantiated vision of how they will develop and sustain a nationally recognized, externally funded research program; complement the Department’s existing research strengths (especially in the areas of geotechnical engineering, materials science, and structural mechanics); and leverage institutional resources through on-campus research centers like the Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), the Institute for a Sustainable Environment (ISE), the Center for Air & Aquatic Resources Engineering & Sciences (CAARES), and the New York State Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions (HWS). Applicants should also present a clear and convincing vision of how they will contribute to the Department’s educational mission through innovative and effective teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Clarkson University is New York State’s highest-ranked small research institution. The Potsdam, New York campus is located in the transition region between the St. Lawrence River Valley and the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. Clarkson’s Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is a vibrant community of diverse teacher-scholars working toward the common goal of “Technology Serving Humanity.” The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) is Clarkson’s second-largest department by enrollment and leads Clarkson’s research activity by a wide margin. In recent years, CEE assistant professors have been awarded major grants including two NSF CAREER awards and three NSF Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) awards.
For any questions, please contact Dr. John Dempsey (Search Committee Chair) at