We are seeking for 1-2 graduate students (MSc or PhD) and/or Postdocs to join our group at Laurentian University, Canada. The candidates will work on computer modeling and numerical simulations for various flow and transport behaviors of particle/cell suspensions and in porous materials. Candidates should have degrees in mechanical engineering or other relevant science or engineering areas; and experiences and knowledge in fluid mechanics, heat/mass transfer, numerical methods, computer modeling and programming are desirable qualifications.
To know more of our research, candidates are encouraged to view our publications on Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=nE5W-jEAAAAJ&hl=en) and ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junfeng-Zhang-11). More information will be available upon request.
To apply: please send your detailed CV, transcripts, and sample publications to Dr. Junfeng Zhang (jzhang@laurentian.ca).