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  • Research Associate (Post-Doc)-Fixed Term in integrated SWAT and MODFLOW for PFAS Modeling
    Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
    Michigan State University

    The computational ecohydrology research group led by Dr. Nejadhashemi is seeking a qualified research associate to model and investigate the fate and transport of poly/per-fluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) at the field and regional scales. The selected candidate will be working on evaluating the short and long-term effectiveness of novel remediation technologies for removing PFAS from contaminated sites. The candidate will take a lead role in directing existing research projects and developing PFAS grant proposals. For this purpose, the candidate should have a hydrogeology research background and be able to develop and work with hydrogeochemical models. The modeling phase requires the candidate to develop 2D/3D numerical models to simulate complex mechanisms in PFAS fate and transport in groundwater layers, the vadose zone, and the unsaturated zone. Moreover, the candidate should be able to modify existing physically-based models to simulate the impact of precursors on the PFAS terminal compounds and the PFAS non-linear sorption at the solid phase, aqueous phase, and water-air interface, which are not available in conventional modeling tools. Candidates with strong and demonstrable programming language skills (e.g., Fortran, Python, SQL) are highly desirable.

    Desired Qualifications: Experience in SWAT, MODFLOW Integration, PFAS fate, and transport Modeling.

    For more information, please contact Dr. Nejadhashemi at


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