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PhD student position - Biomedical Engineering - Pulmonary surfactant project
Biomedical Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
In vitro biophysics project – improving efficacy of pulmonary surfactant to increase survival following mechanical ventilation of lung injury patients.
BACKGROUND: Our lab discovered that an existing molecule lowers surface tension in the lungs and, during mechanical ventilation of injured lungs, reduces ventilation injury and improves oxygenation. The molecule is a promising potential therapeutic for treating acute lung injury, such as that caused by COVID-19.
OPENING/PROJECT: An opening is available for a Ph.D. student to work on a biophysics project. The project will comprise working in an in vitro surfactometer to replicate the effect of the therapeutic on pulmonary surfactant and investigate mechanism of action.
The project will focus on biophysical investigations. Depending on the background of the student, it may also include development of an image analysis-guided Matlab- or microcontroller-implemented feedback system or chemical modification of a small molecule.
REQUIREMENTS: The ideal candidate will have bachelor’s degree in biophysics, biomedical engineering, physics chemistry or a closely-related discipline. The candidate will preferably have a master’s degree as well. The candidate will be a hard-working, inquisitive, creative, logical, disciplined and organized, with strong oral and written communication skills.
THE PI: Dr. Perlman holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University. She trained in pulmonary physiology as a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University. She is an expert on surface tension effects on lung micromechanics in the context of ventilator induced lung injury.
ENVIRONMENT: Stevens Institute of Technology is located on a beautiful campus overlooking the Hudson River and directly across from New York City. The Biomedical Engineering department at Stevens is a supportive environment in which to work.
TO APPLY: Please email Dr. Perlman expressing interest in the position and including copies of your CV, transcripts and scores for the GRE, if available, and any other standardized tests taken.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Faculty website Lab website BME Ph.D. program at Stevens Stevens Institute of Technology
Keywords: Biophysics, in vitro surfactometer studies, surface chemistry, pulmonary physiology, lung mechanics